Friday, July 22, 2011

ants in our pants

Stella and i while waiting for our wonderful pauly to get home decided to dance the time away.. why not? pandora was playing she was chewing on a carrot... the second i stood up to dance she was down..

Mr. Swenson is really missing out.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

where did may go?

May has been crazy i don't even know where it went. All i can say is I'm glad its gone! May was CRAZY ill fill you in..... so i went to go visit my poor mother (who just had jaw surgery) at the beginning of this month. I got to fly in on mothers day, she didn't know i would be coming on mothers day so it was the best surprise. Even better that i got to be with her for a whole week!!! well while i was gone enjoying being home my poor little husband had quite the week. He decided to get a dog while i was gone which i was not way happy about till i came home and fell in love. he also managed to hit a pole in our car, shatter his phone screen, and loose a key to our home. pretty sure he was glad to have me back. here is our newest addition to the family...Stella

we are pretty obsessed.
other then that work has been crazy i work from 8-5 and Paul works from 8-10. Our apartment is "the office". By the time he gets home we are so tired we just crash. I keep telling myself.... only till august, only till august. We look forward to Sundays, our only day to ourselves. I absolutely love California though but i wont lie, i am really excited to move back to Utah and get our own place to call home.

i am obsessed with my adorable husband. He has been working so hard this summer to make everything run smoothly and i really cant complain we have an amazing life and i feel so grateful to be where i am. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

our new adventure

ahhh so we finally made it!! we are in livermore california. it is so beautiful!! i couldn't be happier to have our own apartment, a place that was just ours! So naturally we had to go shopping for food we hit up Costco and Walmart. i have never spent so much on groceries in my whole life. but i secretly was loving it! i also made our "first meal" for paul yesterday haha good old spaghetti.... cant go wrong. Anyways when we are at Walmart paul insisted we get four cereals tootie frooties, honey nut scooters, marshmallow maties, and cinnamon toasters.... all of which are those huge bags that would last us probably a year... here is an example of how large they are in case you dont know what i am talking about.

anyways there was no fighting him on this one. So i proceed to check out and the lady asks "so how many kids do you have?"...... ummmm haha i was shocked!.... was it all the cereal or do i look like i have had kids haha the question clearly makes sense we had four 38 oz. of cereal. Just that phrase how many kids do you have.... freaked me out.... all i could say was "ummm nope just me and my husband." he wasn't even there to save the situation like he always does when i find myself speechless... i couldn't even try and explain why we needed so much cereal.. then i decided i should maybe let her know so we don't look like fat cereal consumers. i explained to her that we are only living here for 4 months and so this will probably last us that long..... and that he just loves a variety of cereal..... she laughed.

but we are loving it here, it is in the 70's everyday this makes me very happy! i will post pictures of our place very soon!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

since i have known paul....

he has gone through 5 cars........ F I V E C A R S i have known him since valentines day of last year 2010......... so its been a little over a year aaaaand now six cars later..... here is the rundown.

1st there was Allison also known as " the dirty". she was a great truck she treated Paul well. this was the truck he had when i first met him. many many great memories of dear Allison.
next we have miss Lexus IS 250 my personal favorite
then about two weeks later......
he decided he couldn't live without the ISF which i truly believe. this one lasted all summer long. fast little bugger.

then when he got home he seriously missed Allison and wished he had never got rid of her so we searched and searched and we finally found " the gravedigger"

we got engaged and decided to start looking for a good car for the summer something... practical. we found the subi and fell in love.

meanwhile i still have my other car Hyundai, we decided it was unnecessary to have gravedigger, Hyundai and subi. our original plan was to take the 2 cars to California and leave gravedigger here but again.... not practical soooooo we sold gravedigger today and are in the process of selling Hyundai. and got this beauty.
so the moral of the story, we are now we are down to two practical cars. Both we are in love with and the deal is we keep them for at least 2 years, ( this will be a record for paul) and he can get another truck once we get a house. (i got smart this time)

Sometimes i wish his "thing" could just be soccer or basketball a lot less expensive.....i love my dear little polly wogg i cant blame him cars are just his "thing" its what he loves...

Monday, March 7, 2011

i have a husband!

i cant believe it I'm married.... i have a husband who i love with all my heart and we are now apart of each others lives forever, its amazing. Having a husband is wonderful and amazing, its forever and love. But its still really weird. I have a new last name. And i have this man that i get to share my everything with. I love it.

We were married in the salt lake temple 2/18/11. Today is his 24th birthday and i just want him to know how much i love him and how grateful i feel to have him in my life. I am so lucky to have a man that is constantly treating me like i am the greatest thing on this earth. Remember when you were little and you write in your journal all the qualities you want your future husband to have, handsome, smart, loyal, funny, returned missionary, he loves his mom, strong in the gospel, loving, talented, motivated..... my husband is all of those things and a billion more. I love our little life that we are beginning to create. I love that we get to create it. I love that i get to create my life with this amazing person. i love knowing we will always have love no matter what happens. such a good feeling to also have a huge support system cheering us on as we go through this adventure together.

i love our life we are creating and i love him. my husband. my little polly wog. :)